The EU-Beautiful Kosovo Programme (EU-BK), an EU funded project managed by the European Union Office in Kosovo and implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), was implemented during the period February 2011 – December 2013 with a total budget of more than 5,3 Mio. Euro.

he aim of the EU-BK Programme was to contribute to poverty reduction through the enhancement of economic opportunities for Kosovo population, especially marginalized groups. The EU-BK Programme was conceived to support the Kosovo Government’s goal to create new job opportunities for the present and future generations as well as to improve urban and social infrastructures throughout Kosovo. The EU-BK overall aim was achieved through two specific objectives, namely a) support short and medium term job opportunities for selected beneficiaries within identified Local Public Companies (LPCs) and/or Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the selected municipalities and b) improvement of urban infrastructures in the selected municipalities through the implementation of small and medium scale projects according to the identified municipal and regional priorities.

The EU-BK Programme targeted unskilled, semi-skilled, and skilled beneficiaries who were long-term unemployed as well as beneficiaries included in the social assistance schemes with specific focus on women, persons with disabilities, youth and minorities.

Through the careful selection process, 46 projects were selected and successfully further implemented in 24 Kosovo municipalities in the period of February 2011 - December 2013. The 46 implemented projects targeted mainly renovation or creation of green areas, renovation of public buildings, protection of cultural heritage, renovation of sports facilities and schoolyards. 


Through the implementation of the 46 projects, 1,905 short-term employments were created, including for 1,391 persons registered as long-term unemployed at the respective Municipal Employment Centre (MEC).

  • For more information, please refer to EU-Beautiful Kosovo I Catalogue which gathers general statistics of the programme as well as description of all 46 projects implemented.
  • The success stories of the programme have also been collected into a documentary video
  • All 46 projects have also been documented in photo exhibitions that indicate the progress of works in each project.