IOM has been present in Kosovo* since 1999, providing emergency support and post-conflict assistance for war-affected populations during the wars in former Yugoslavia. Subsequently, IOM Kosovo moved away from short-term reconstruction and focused on supporting long-term development. Today, IOM works on programming to sustain peace, build trust between communities, support durable solutions for displaced populations, and promote regular pathways and peacebuilding. To promote social cohesion and address key drivers of migration, IOM Kosovo intensively works on community stabilization programs and inter-ethnic dialogue between institutions, communities, civil society, and individual groups. 

IOM supports Kosovo’s authorities in enhancing migration governance, developing evidence-based policies, expanding data collection efforts and analysis, upholding migrants’ protection in line with international standards, and managing mixed migration flows. IOM helps develop the authorities' capacities to enhance border management and address irregular migration, human and other forms of smuggling and trafficking, as well as contributes to improved cooperation and coordination between border management services in the region.  

IOM is an active member of the UN Kosovo team, chairs a result group on social cohesion, and co-leads the local UN Migration Network. 

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999.