Improving the Understanding and Coordination in Managing Irregular Migration Flows in, from, and through the Western Balkans​

The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the knowledge base on irregular migration flows in, from, and through the Western Balkans and to ensure cross-regional cooperation and coordination on the issue including countries of origin, transit, and destination. Analytical research on irregular migration flows in, from, and through the Western Balkans will be conducted, including also a chapter on unaccompanied minors and other vulnerable groups. It will ensure that an up-to-date and comprehensive analytical report is available, which can help to guide governments in the development of regional and national policies in the area of tackling irregular migration.

Subsequently, a conference will be organised to facilitate dialogue between the countries along the Western Balkan route (including countries of origin, transit, and destination) with the aim to discuss possibilities of enhanced cooperation in regard to stemming irregular migration flows. A cooperative network of migration and criminal justice actors along the Western Balkan route will be built during the conference and a set of recommendations for these actors will be created for more effective responses to challenges posed by transnational crime in the context of irregular migration.