Online Albanian and Serbian language learning platform VOC-UP

As a multiethnic society, Kosovo and its citizens are facing a severe problem of mutual misunderstanding and ignorance of Albanian and Serbian language. 

The NGO “Center for Social Initiatives” (CSI) designed a digital platform for online course of Serbian and Albanian language in a form of a web site, Android and IOS application. Language classes are designed for beginners which will in an interesting and fun way simultaneously provide lessons of basic terms - vocabulary, phrases, and grammatical rules. Combining video content with written words and audio tracks in both languages, basic lessons will be processed and users will gain basic knowledge and understanding of both languages. With the respect of the learning methodology the platform contains, users will be able to reach A1 level of Serbian/Albanian language on their own. In addition, the project will include a digital campaign and promotion on social networks, and interactive contact with customers (questions, comments…).

In addition to better mutual understanding and communication between citizens, increased use of language of other community will increase the capacity of the Kosovo institutions, which do not have capacities and adequate staff that would be employed in compliance of the implementation of the Law on Use of Languages. Certain language courses for citizens are provided, but their efficiency and geographical coverage is limited because they are occasional, and especially because they are not equally accessible to the all citizens of Kosovo. In order to further promote the language platform, Office of Language Commissioner participated in development phases.  

On 29 March 2018, IOM together with the British Embassy in Pristina, the Office of the Language Commissioner and the NGO Center for Social Initiatives presented the VOC-UP, an interactive digital platform developed for learning Albanian and Serbian languages online. The event was attended by representatives of different institutions, organizations and media.