
Call for Expression of Interest for Media Component for YESS project

CEI Reference number  ID#: 004-01/2024 
Posted (date)  06.07.2024 
Clarification Request Deadline  17.06.2024 
Application Deadline  21.06.2024
Notification of Results   05.07.2024 
Implementation Start Date  July 2024
Implementation End Date  July 2025


2. Locations 

10 Municipalities.  


3. Sector(s) and area(s) of specialization 

No-formal education, Corporate Social Responsibility, vocational training, gender, youth  

4. Issuing Agency 

International Organization for Migration, IOM  


5. Project Background 

The Youth Empowered through Inclusive School and Societies (YESS) project funded by the UN-Secretary General’s Peacebuilding Fund, is a 24-month joint initiative implemented by UNICEF and IOM, under the strategic guidance of UN Development Coordinator in Kosovo that will directly engage children and youth aged 13 to 24. The project takes a bottom-up and community-based approach, using schools and their surrounding communities as an entry point to actively engage children and young men and women, particularly those from marginalized communities that have been historically under-represented in decision and policy making. Through supporting a range of non-formal education interventions and youth-led projects both within and beyond the school setting, the project will empower children and young men and women with new skills to become positive agents of change who promote tolerance and diversity, foster mutual understanding, and respect, and build social cohesion between and within various communities living in Kosovo.  

The project will work with children as well as youth, aged 13 to 24, their teachers, municipal educational authorities, parents, and broader communities in 10 selected municipalities across Kosovo. By empowering children and young men and women in both formal and informal settings and linking them with local governance mechanisms and media, the project seeks to enhance social cohesion within and across diverse communities through education as a positive entry point. Interventions are designed to actively engage young people, teachers, local authorities, media, and private sector actors and enhance their personal capacities to challenge stereotypes and prejudices, as well as to build critical skills in communication, cooperation and problem-solving in an environment of high community tensions. The project will also strengthen the school environment through introduction and reinforcement of inclusive education approaches that are adapted to the needs and realities of local contexts.  At the heart of the project's methodology is a steadfast commitment to the promotion of gender equality and the incorporation of youth voices and perspectives at all levels, ensuring all identities are recognized and valued.  

To achieve the desired results, the project consists of two key project outputs:   

Output 1: Schools, educational institutions, and local authorities actively cultivate and sustain a peaceful and inclusive environment for young people in the selected municipalities.  

Output 2: Enhanced collaboration mechanisms among youth-led initiatives and local stakeholders, promoting meaningful youth participation and ownership in community development, social cohesion and peacebuilding initiatives.   


6. Expected Results 

Following comprehensive training sessions on gender mainstreaming, youth participants in selected municipalities will possess advanced media literacy skills. They will be adept at utilizing social media, podcasts, and blogs to reshape narratives, with a specific emphasis on addressing gender-related issues. This will empower them to effectively engage in discourse and advocacy within their communities, contributing to a more gender-inclusive society.

Through the implementation of gender-inclusive youth-led campaign initiatives, participants will be equipped to collaboratively devise and execute impactful campaigns. These campaigns will be characterized by diverse gender representation among the teams involved, ensuring inclusivity and representation of all perspectives. Furthermore, the collaboration and coordination with other activities within the PBF project will maximize the utilization of materials and content, enhancing youth engagement and fostering a more integrated and impactful approach towards promoting gender equality and social change.

Mainstream gender in all initiatives and materials.  


7. Selection Criteria 


Name Description Weight
Relevance of proposal to achieving expected results 
  • Relevance of proposal to achieving expected results;  

  • Expertise on budgeting, communication, negotiation and participation skills;  

  • Expertise and experience in developing and delivery of training and  and capacity building to youth and businesses 

  • Adequacy and clarity of the proposed budget (including contribution by the prospective IP);  

  • Relevant technical expertise and experience in working with a different range of stakeholders at a central and local level in establishing a youth-sensitive and gender perspective across sectors; 

  • Experience with conducting rights principles such as inclusion, equality, accountability, participation, universality, etc. 

Sustainability of intervention 
  • Experience in providing media literacy training to youth and adolescent participation and development; private sector engagement 

  • Central and Local experience, presence and community relations; Management ability; Sustainability of intervention. 

  • Replicability/scalability;  

  • Gender mainstreaming skills to apply during implementation of the programmes;  

  • Innovative approach 

  • Proven capacity in financial management of projects; 

  • Good familiarity with political and social environments in the territory 



9. For more information on this partnership opportunity, and to apply, please visit 


The organizations responding to this call need to demonstrate their capacity to implement all listed activities as a single package. Partial applications for individual activities will not be considered.  

IOM reserves the right to cancel/reduce the scope of planned activities or to introduce new/broaden the scope of the existing activities. Selected Implementing partner needs to be ready to develop a detailed budget based on submitted proposal in two weeks upon receiving the notification from IOM. 

All applicants will receive written notification, within the two weeks after the deadline for the submission of Concept Note, of the outcome of the selection process. Should an applicant request further clarification, IOM will provide a response explaining the transparency and integrity of the selection process undertaken.  

IOM reserves the right to decline disclosure of the specificity of decision derived by the IOM mission due to reasons related to confidentiality.  

IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any Expression of Interest, and to annul the selection process and reject all Expression of Interest at any time, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Implementing Partners.  

For more information, please contact in writing (insert a dedicated email address with controlled access). 

Expression of Interest submission guidelines 

This document contains instructions on the preparation and submission of the Application including Annex A: IP Information. 

  1. The Application must be submitted at address of no later than midnight, 21st of June 2024. Late Application will no longer be considered. 
  2. A detailed description must be provided on how the requirements specified in the Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) issued by IOM will be matched by the capabilities, experience, knowledge and expertise of the Implementing Partners 
  3. The Application must be submitted in the English language and in the format prescribed by IOM within the CEI. All required information must be provided, responding clearly and concisely to all the points set out. Any application which does not fully and comprehensively address this CEI requirements may be rejected. 
  4. The Application document should comprise of the following: 
    a. Cover Letter; 
    b. Duly accomplished application documentation as outlined within the CEI signed on all pages by the prospective Implementing Partner’s Authorized Representative; and 
    c. Any other relevant documents 
  5. Applications may be modified or withdrawn in writing, prior to the closing time specified in this Request for EoI. Applications shall not be modified or withdrawn after the deadline. 
  6. The Implementing partner shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the Application and IOM will not in any case be responsible and liable for the costs incurred.  
  7. IOM at no occasion will ask an application fee from Implementing Partners. 
  8. Partners can use IOM's We Are All In platform for reporting fraud, corruption or misconduct.   
  9. All information given in writing to or verbally shared with the Implementing Partners in connection with this CEI is to be treated as strictly confidential. The Implementing Partner shall not share or invoke such information to any third party without the prior written approval of IOM. This obligation shall continue after the selection process has been completed whether or not the Implementing Partner application is successful. 
  10. IOM will treat all information (or that marked proprietary/sensitive/financial) received from Implementing Partners as confidential and any personal data in accordance with its Data Protection Principles. 
  11. The Implementing Partner, by submitting an application, gives consent to IOM to share information with those who need to know for the purposes of evaluating and managing the proposal. 
  12. By submitting the application/expression of interest, the applicant confirms adherence to IOM’s Declaration of Conformity Form and acknowledges receipt of the list of Proscribed Practices (enclosed). 
  13. IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any Application, and to cancel the process and reject all Applications, at any time without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Implementing Partner or any obligation to inform the affected Implementing partner of the ground for IOM’s action. 


SDG 5 - Gender Equality
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals
SDG 4 - Quality Education
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 16 - Peace Justice and Strong Institutions