
Enhancing of social-inclusion and youth resilience

Enhancing of social-inclusion and youth resilience

Formal and non-formal education is one key factor to improving the social inclusion of young people. It is a pathway to preparing them for economic independence and social mobility, thus, establishing a sense of belonging in the community. Opportunities and outcomes remain unequal for vulnerable groups, youth at risk, and youth from non-majority communities, and there are limited opportunities available for non-majority groups to participate in community initiatives.

To facilitate the acceptance of peer-to-peer and multi-ethnic cross-group friendships and to create opportunities for youth to develop worthwhile qualifications and skills - IOM Kosovo’s

Community Stabilization Program and Social-Inclusion Program in partnership with “Alpine Club Prishtina”, supported by European Union, organized ten social-inclusion sports activities, in the Youth Winter Camp that took place in Brezovica Ski Center.

Young men and women of different communities coming from Istog/k (Peja/Pec region), Zveqan/Zvecan (Mitrovice/a region), Artane/Novo Brdo (Gjilan/Gnjilane region), Dragash/Dradas (Prizren region), and Obiliq/c (Prishtine/Pristina region), came together these during four weekends in five separate training sessions to learn and practice basic skiing under the supervision of licensed skiing instructors and trainers.

It was a blast to see how an inclusive non-formal educational activity created space for diverse young people to connect and unite.

This activity has been organized under the project “EU – Community Stabilization Programme, phase IV”, financed by European Union, co-financed by Ministry of Communities and Return, and implemented by IOM Kosovo in partnership with Alpine Club Prishtina. 

SDG 4 - Quality Education
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities