
European Union Office in Kosovo and Ministry of Communities and Return representatives visited Gjilan/Gnjilane region beneficiaries

It is always a blast to see how our beneficiaries are making the most of the grants and support received to improve their economical conditions and their lives for the better. 
This week, IOM jointly with Mr Samir Selimi from the European Union Office in Kosovo (EUOK) and Mr Vedat Maxhuni from the Ministry of Communities and Return (MCR) visited EU Community Stabilization Programme IV (EU/CSP) beneficiaries in the municipalities of Parteš/Partesh, Gjilan/Gnjilane and Novobrdo/ Novobërdë. 
EU CSP IV grant beneficiary in Parteš/Partesh mentioned that without the support of the EU CSP IV programme, she would not be able to see her innovative idea of ​​specific cultivation of strawberries bloom. Another beneficiary also mentioned what an essential role the donation played in the development of his goat cheese and whey production project. 

How feasible it is to generate income from cultivating vegetables is proven by a farmer who has professionally organized the production of peppers and tomatoes and has created solid market links. That sometimes a little means a lot to someone was confirmed by the owner of a fast-food restaurant in Gjilan/Gnjilane. He claims that the donation was of great importance to the expansion of his business, which allowed him to improve the services and increase sales. On the other side, the beneficiary from the village of Šilovo/Shillovë presented how producers effectively contribute to protecting the environment while generating income. He is a true environmental activist who never stops being an example to others in the aspect of protection of mother nature. A successful example is also the hardworking returnee family in Zebince/Zebincë in Novo Brdo/Novobërdë municipality. They produce cucumbers and peppers in a protected environmental area surfacing a total area of 0.40 ha.  
EUOK and MCR representatives met with beneficiaries and see their work. They once more confirmed the unreserved support to addressing community needs that do indeed create more employment opportunities, especially for non-majority communities. 
The businesses were enabled with the support of the EU project managed by the European Union Kosovo in partnership with the Ministry of Communities and Return and it is implemented by IOM.

SDG 1 - No Poverty
SDG 3 - Good Health and Well Being
SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 5 - Gender Equality
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities