
ZIRF Counselling 2020

ZIRF Counselling 2020

The project ZIRF Counselling 2020, return and reintegration counselling is offered to migrants in Germany by IOM staff members in their respective countries of origin. Virtual Counselling (VC) uses different forms and technical means for communication, such as video calls, live chats or phone conversations. Through Virtual Counselling office in Prishtina and other enquiring entities in Germany, they receive updated information on the country of return which is researched directly on-site. These offices are able to provide country-specific information about employment, training, business opportunities, school systems and other areas that are of concern to migrants that are thinking about returning. In this way, migrants are supported in making informed decisions and in the preparation of a potential voluntary return. 

ZIRF-Counselling offers two types of information:

• Country Fact Sheet

General information on selected countries of return are researched by the IOM missiones on-site and made available in English and the national languages

• Individual inquiries

Integral part of the ZIRF Counselling are specific inquiries namely REAG and GARP which require medical support for the potential returnees in Kosovo. These inquiries are answered individually for single returnees on the following areas: medical care, employment, housing, education and training, social welfare, public administration, vulnerable groups.